IFA is a neutral, independent, non-lobby organisation and as such the only global network of its kind. As a non-profit organisation, IFA provides a global platform where representatives of all professions and interests can meet and discuss international tax issues at the highest level. IFA supports a number of research. Download the IFA Society App to stay up to date!
IFA LATAM - IBFD Webinars, News on International Taxation. Great Hall of Commercial Association of Lisbon, Rua das. How to continue fostering female networking within.
L’étendue de ce réseau permet aux membres de l’IFA France d’avoir une vision actuelle et complète des problématiques de fiscalité internationale. Its headquarters are in the Netherlands. The objects of IFA are the s. IFA has more than 15members worldwide in 1countries, of which have national branches. The USA Branch is one of the largest IFA branches, with nearly 0members, divided into regions.
Elle organise des Assemblées générales au cours desquelles des experts présentent et discutent des sujets sur les développements actuels de la. With its headquarters in the Netherlands, the main objectives of IFA are the study and advancement of international and comparative fiscal law, as well as the financial and economic aspects of taxation.
Les associations d’intérêt général peuvent émettre des reçus fiscaux, permettant aux donateurs de déduire ou 75% du montant de leurs dons de leurs impôts. Young International Corporate Tax Practitioners’ Conference. A view from the bench: breakfa.
Insoweit schliesst sie die schweizerischen Mitglieder der IFA zusammen, um deren Interessen im Rahmen der IFA zu vertreten und die IFA in ihren Bestrebungen im Bereich des Studiums des internationalen Finanz- und Steuerrechts zu unterstützen. Need help or have questions?
Please fill out the form and press the submit button. It is the only non-governmental and non-sectoral international organisation dealing with fiscal matters. Its objects are the study and advancement of international and comparative law in regard to public finance, specifically international and comparative fiscal law and the financial and economic aspects of taxation.
Two individual registrations at the discounted member rate at the annual international IFA Congress Corporate Membership is offered to corporations, partnerships and associations that are not engaged in providing taxation, accounting, legal, trust company or similar services to third parties. Tous les professionnels de la fiscalité sont les bienvenus dans notre Association.
Deux types d’adhésion : Les personnes morales et physiques peuvent adhérer à l’IFA sous réserve d’être cooptées par le conseil d’administration. Dnes je spolkem ve smyslu občanského zákoníku. V současné době má přes členů.
International Fiscal Association, Česká republika je uznána jako pobočka nizozemskou asociací IFA. IFA’s objects are the study and advancement of. The International Tax Center Leiden is happy to announce its first Ukraine Executive Program in International Tax Law.
Foreign Reporting Requirements. Empower Your Business Applications with Industry-Leading Relationship Data from. Status of Registration: Active. Type of License: Non Regulated.
Date of Incorporation : Operating License Validity Date: Secretar. Elle participe aux travaux de l’OCDE dans le Groupe de travail n°sur la TVA dans les services transfrontaliers. Elle est également membre du Conseil d’Administration et Trésorière de l’A3F (Association Française des Femmes Fiscalistes). Details Date: Novembe.
Organización académica sin fines de lucro. BUDOUCNOST PŘEVODNÍCH CEN, publ. Autor komentáře živnostenského zákona (Poradce). Cahiers de droit fiscal international.
Spoluautor komentáře insolvenčního zákona (C.H. Beck, autor části finančních institucí).
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